Tuesday, August 09, 2005

dancing up the rain

dancing up the rain

dancing up the rain
the joyous dancers
fill the plaza
sloping east to west
dancing up the rain
in the heat of an august day
the joyous dancers
sway to the dancing drummers
sway with the pulse of mother earth
dancing up the rain
the rockettes of the pueblo world
joyously dance up the rain
over the mountains to the east
dancing up the rain
the raindrops dance across adobe houses
dancing to the thundering drummers
they blacken the sky
behind zig-zag lightening
dancing up the rain
the rain bathes our mother earth
caresses our mother corn
dancing across her plumed head
dancing up the rain
they filled the plaza
green and red and pumpkin
sky-blue the rain clouds
embrace the slate grey mountains
dancing up the rain
embracing our mother earth
embracing each other
we dance up the rain

One of the students in my class serenades his abuela (grandmother)--northern New Mexico Posted by Picasa

The roads run across the top of the mountains--a view from Truchas, New Mexico. Posted by Picasa

Sanctuario de Chimayo Posted by Picasa

An old adobe church in northern New Mexico Posted by Picasa

A farm close to Chama, New Mexico Posted by Picasa

A country church close to Chama, New Mexico Posted by Picasa

Cowboys on the Marmon Ranch Posted by Picasa

Watching the branding of calves west of Laguna Pueblo on the Marmon ranch Posted by Picasa

James, age 13, at an elementary school, Zuni Pueblo, Western New Mexico Posted by Picasa

Rest Area Posted by Picasa

Land speculation south of Acoma Pueblo and east of the Ramah Navajo--the land is cheap but water is a maybe. Posted by Picasa

The church at McCartys, NM, another view, another season Posted by Picasa

The church at McCartys, NM--on the way to the Navajo rez Posted by Picasa

Twin Lakes, Navajo Nation, NM--Chapter House Posted by Picasa

The view from our trailer at the teacherage at Twin Lakes (1982) Posted by Picasa

Navajo Lake, Navajo Nation Posted by Picasa

Navajo Nation Posted by Picasa

Navajo Nation Posted by Picasa

Navajo Nation Posted by Picasa

A hogan on the floor of Canyon de Chey, Navajo Nation, Arizona Posted by Picasa

The White House ruins, Canyon de Chey, Navajo Nation, Arizona Posted by Picasa

Leaving the Visitor's Center, Bandalier National Monument Posted by Picasa

Climbing a ladder to one of the many little caves in the canyon, Bandalier National Monument Posted by Picasa

The trail along the side of Frijoles Canyon Posted by Picasa

On the floor of Frijoles (Beans) Canyon, Bandalier National Monument, New Mexico Posted by Picasa